Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 8(2):
Evaluation on quality parameters and economic feasibility of different banana Musa spp cultivars under Assamese Conditions
Sibani Gogoi1*, Bipin Khangia2, Kartik Baruah3
Department of Horticulture, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat,
A !eld experiment involving nine banana cultivars was carried out at Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat during
Banana is the best known tropical fruit crop of the world as well as India. Banana and plantain are reported to be the fourth most important global commodity after rice, wheat and milk in terms of gross value of production and has great
*Corresponding Author: sibanigogoi237@gmail.com Received 1st December, 2015
Accepted after revision 10th December, 2015 BBRC Print ISSN:
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©A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2015. All rights reserved.
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and subtropical regions of the world. India is the largest producer of banana in the world with a production of 29724.6 thousand MT from an area of 802.6thousand hectares with a productivity of 37 MT/ha (Annon, 2014). India is the home for bananas and plantains and is being grown even before the Vedic times. It is referred to as ‘Kalpatharu’(Plant of Virtue) due to its multifaceted uses. The
Sibani Gogoi, Bipin Khangia and Kartik Baruah
of diversity. In India the major banana growing states are Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Assam. Assam ranks sixth in area and ninth in production, producing 857.72 thousand MT of banana annually from an area of 50.81 thousand hectares with a productivity of 16.9 MT/ha (Annon, 2014).
Cultivated banana belongs to section Eumusa and were formed by interspeci!c crosses involving two dip- loid ancestor species M. acuminata (genome AA) and M. balbisiana (genome BB) originated in South East Asia stretching from India to Malaysia (Stover and Sim- monds,1987). Botanically, banana is a monocotyledo- nous, monoecious, monocarpic, mesophytic, perennial plant belonging to the family Musaceae. Unlike most other fruits, banana is a herbaceous, giant, perennial herb that consists of a rhizome and a pseudostem (Robinson, 1996). Banana is one of the biggest single trade items in international fruit trade. It is considered as a wholesome fruit as it provides a more balanced diet containing suf- !cient amount of carbohydrates and most nourishing of all the fruits which contains nearly all the essential nutrients including minerals, vitamins and has several medicinal properties. In many parts of India including Assam both plant and fruits are used extensively in all auspicious occasions such as wedding, festivals and also use for worship. Apart from fresh consumption as des- sert fruit, some types are also used for culinary purpose.
Assam is naturally blessed with suitable
The experiment was conducted in the experimental !eld, Department of Horticulture, Assam Agricultural Univer- sity, Jorhat with nine cultivars viz., Karpurachakkarakeli (AAB), Champa (AAB), Rasthali (AAB), Barjahaji (AAA), Jahaji (AAA), Kachkal (ABB), Malbhog (AAB), Gandevi
(AAA)and Rajapuri (AAB). The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replica- tions. Sword suckers with well developed rhizome were planted at a spacing 1.8 m x 1.8 m. The recommended cultural practices were adopted to raise a successful crop.
Fruit quality analysis was performed by taking a fruit sample from the second hand. Total soluble solid (TSS) was determined by the help of a hand refractometer. Titrable acidity, reducing sugar, total sugar and non- reducing sugar were determined adopting the standard methods of A.O.A.C. (1975).
The expenditure both recurring and
The data obtained from different observations dur- ing !eld experimentation and laboratory determination were subjected to the analysis of variance. Signi!cance and
The cultivars exhibited signi!cant effect on the quality of fruit (Table1). Refractometer reading gave the highest TSS value in ‘Malbhog’ (22.13°B) while the lowest value was recorded in ‘Gandevi’ (17.40°B). Titrable acidity gives a measure of the amount of acid present. Acids make an important contribution to the
Sibani Gogoi, Bipin Khangia and Kartik Baruah
Table 1: Quality parameters of different banana cultivars
throughout the growth and development of fruits which is thought to be the precursor of Vitamin C as reported by Singh et al. (1986) in mango. Highest value of reduc- ing sugar was recorded in ‘Kachkal’ (12.67%) while the lowest value was recorded in ‘Jahaji’ (9.05%). The increase might be due to more conversion of starch into sugar whereas lower reducing sugar in a cultivar may be due to low conversion of sucrose from starch. In terms of total sugar ‘Barjahaji’ recorded the highest value (20.16%) whereas lowest value was recorded in ‘Karpurachakkarakeli’ (17.33%) which was at par sta- tistically with ‘Gandevi’ (17.40%). Non reducing sugar was recorded highest in ‘Barjahaji’ (10.29%) while the lowest value was recorded in ‘Karpurachakkarakeli’ (6.00%). The increase in sugar content was also due
to the degradation of polysaccharides into monosac- charides. The present !ndings was in agreement with the !ndings of Natesh et al. (1993) in banana. Highest sugar - acid ratio was recorded in ‘Jahaji’ (68.14) while the lowest was recorded in ‘Rasthali’ (30.84) which was at par with ‘Malbhog’ (33.08). This might be due to higher concentration of total sugar and comparatively lower amount of titrable acidity in the fruits. On the other hand ‘Rasthali’ recorded the lowest sugar - acid ratio which might be due to higher acid and lower total sugar content in the fruits. The highest value of pulp - peel ratio was found in ‘Champa’ (4.26) and the lowest recorded in ‘Jahaji’ (2.41) which was at par with ‘Bar- jahaji’ (2.42), ‘Gandevi’ (2.52), ‘Rajapuri’ (2.59), ‘Karpu- rachakkarakeli’ (2.66) and ‘Kachkal’ (2.69).
Table 2: Economics of cultivation (per ha)
*market price of banana fruits was considered as: Rs 15000/ton for Karpurachakkarakeli and Champa Rs 30000/ton for Rasthali and Malbhog
Rs 20000/ton for Barjahaji, Jahaji, Kachkal, Gandevi and Rajapuri
Sibani Gogoi, Bipin Khangia and Kartik Baruah
The economics of cultivation of different cultivars are presented in Table 2. Economics is the most impor- tant single factor which decides the adoption of any treatment by the horticulturist. The bene!t cost ratio
(B:C Ratio) of treatments is another most important factor that determines its usefulness and acceptance by a grower. In the experiment cost of cultivation was worked out taking into account preparatory cultivation, planting materials, manures and fertilizers, intercultural operations, plant protection and manual labour charges. Comparative economics of different cultivars of banana revealed that there was profound difference in the ben-
It was revealed from the experiment that the culti- vars viz. Jahaji and Barjahaji exhibited higher and stable concentration of the Total soluble solids (TSS), titrable acidity, reducing sugar content, vitamin C etc. which render them as a suitable choice both for the growers and consumers. The cultivars were also subjected to economic analysis and as evident from the bene!t cost ratio, it can be said that the cultivars Jahaji and Bar-
jahaji are economically more feasible for growers and could fetch more price in the competing market.
A.O.A.C. (1975). Of!cial Methods of Analysis, 2nd Edn. Asso- ciation of Of!cial Analytical Chemists, Washington, D.C.
Anonymous (2014). Indian Horticulture Database. http://nhb. gov.in.
Natesh B.B., Aravindakshan M. and Valsalakumari P.K. (1993). Effect of split application of fertilizers in banana Musa ABB ‘Nendran’. South Indian Hort. 41:
Panse V.S. and Sukhatme P.V. (1985). Statistical method for Agricultural Workers, ICAR, New Delhi.
Robinson J.C. (1996). Banana and plantains. CAB Interna- tional. Walling ford. U.K., pp. 238.
Singh H.P. and Uma S. (1996). Introduction. In : Banana Culti- vation in India, Rai, A.N. (ed.) Directorate of Extension Educa- tion, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.
Singh I.P., Singh B.P. and Singh S.P. (1986). Effect of
Stover R.H. and Simmonds N.W. (1987) Bananas. 3rd edition. Longman Scienti!c and Technical Singapore pp. 468.
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